Sunday, March 23, 2008

Wearable Art Show

I am getting ready for my art college's annual "fashion" show, the Wearable Art Show. It is a pretty fun time. Last year I got to perform twice, once as a bunny, and once as a dinner table turned monster. This time I am an amply buxom and copiously assed jester with ballet dancing aspirations.

Here is a video of last year's event from youtube. There is a pretty good shot of my package at one point, and boobs in almost every cut!

The show has a pretty amateurish feel, but it is a good time. The audience generally enjoys it. My next big role after this is "dog" in my Russian classes performance of The Giant Turnip.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL That was awesome!!! I bet it's way cooler in person though :)