Thursday, April 3, 2008

Ты Мне Веришь Или Нет?

You probably don't believe me...

Every now and then I become obsessed with a certain song. I need to listen to it over and over. I am willing to struggle through millions of popups just to find the lyrics so I can sing along. This is one of those songs. It is about love and it makes me feel that melancholic joyful feeling... ahh. Here is a link to where you can find the song:мила_берлинская_и_игорь_капитанников/song_1128849. Just click on the play button next to the title. To save you the trouble I have pasted the lyrics here followed by my amateur translation, enjoy.

Я заметила однажды,
Что зимой кусты сирени
Расцвели, как будто в мае -
Ты мне веришь или нет?
Веришь мне или нет?

Я тебе, конечно, верю,
Разве могут быть сомненья?
Я и сам все это видел -
Это наш с тобой секрет,
Наш с тобою секрет!

А недавно я видала,
Как луна в сосновых ветках
Заблудилась и заснула -
Ты мне веришь или нет?
Веришь мне или нет?

Я тебе, конечно, верю.
Я и сам все это видел
Из окошка в прошлый вечер.
Это наш с тобой секрет,
Наш с тобою секрет!

А во время звездопада
Я видала, как по небу
Две звезды летели рядом -
Ты мне веришь или нет?
Веришь мне или нет?

Я тебе конечно верю -
Разве могут быть сомненья.
Я и сам все это видел.
Это наш с тобой секрет,
Наш с тобой секрет!

I noticed one day,
That lilac bushes bloom in winter
Just like they do in May -
You probably don't believe me...
Do you believe me?

Of course I believe you!
Really, how could I doubt you?
I myself have seen this -
But no one else will believe us...
It is our secret!

Recently I have also seen
How the moon, in the branches of the pine,
Gets lost and falls asleep.
You probably don't believe me...
Do you believe me?

Of course I believe you!
I saw that too,
From my little window last night.
But no one else will believe us...
It is our secret!

And one time during a meteor shower
I saw how, through the sky,
two stars flew together hand in hand -
You probably can't believe me...
Do you believe me?

Of course I believe you!
Really, how could I not?
I myself have seen that.
But no one else will believe us...
It is our secret!

Another thought: I have been reading a lot of poetry lately. Not Poetry, but poetry. Things that are actually fun and nice to read. Not things you read because they seem healthy. I feel like a lot of literature is presented as being good for you like yoga, or organic locally produced spinach. These are not bad things in the proper hands, but it is usually more fun to eat chocolates imported from the other side of the planet in the backs of big polluting trucks, or how about lounging on the beach getting fat while soaking up some skin cancer? Maybe it is just me...

Actually, I have been reading mostly the poems of Wisława Szymborska. Her poems are like the most delicious truffles.

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